
The bipcpg package facilitates the computation of a Partial Correlation Planar Graph (PCPG) network for datasets with a bipartite structure, as well as the preparation of the data for this purpose and a bootstrapping procedure to assess the reliability of the edges in the network. Below we give an example of how to apply these methods to a toy dataset consisting of countries and the products they export with the aim of obtaining a PCPG network with products as nodes.

Dataset structure

Consider a bipartite dataset containing the quantity (in millions of dollars) of a set products exported by a set of countries. In this toy example, assume we have data for 4 countries, 4 products over a 5 year span with one data point per year. Lets denote the countries \(c_1\) to \(c_4\), the products \(p_1\) to \(p_4\) and the years \(y_1\) to \(y_5\). Furthermore, denote the quantity of exports a given country does of a given product in a given year by \(e_{cp}^y\).

This sort of dataset is usually distributed as a collection of tables indexed over time containing the data for that given year. Following our example, we would have the following tables or matrices.

For the first year \(y_1\):






\(e_{c_1 p_1}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_2}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_3}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_4}^{y_1}\)


\(e_{c_2 p_1}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_2}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_3}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_4}^{y_1}\)


\(e_{c_3 p_1}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_3 p_2}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_3 p_3}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_3 p_4}^{y_1}\)


\(e_{c_4 p_1}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_4 p_2}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_4 p_3}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_4 p_4}^{y_1}\)

for the second year \(y_2\):






\(e_{c_1 p_1}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_2}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_3}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_4}^{y_2}\)


\(e_{c_2 p_1}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_2}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_3}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_4}^{y_2}\)


\(e_{c_3 p_1}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_3 p_2}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_3 p_3}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_3 p_4}^{y_2}\)


\(e_{c_4 p_1}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_4 p_2}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_4 p_3}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_4 p_4}^{y_2}\)

and similarly for years \(y_3\), \(y_4\) and \(y_5\).

In order to use such a dataset with the bipcpg package, we have to reshape the data such that, instead of having a matrix per time index, we have a matrix per element of one of the two sets of variables. These matrices should have rows representing time indices and columns representing the complementary set of variables. In our example, instead of a matrix per year, we could reshape the dataset into either a matrix per country or a matrix per product. If we shape the data such that we have one matrix per country and apply the Bipartite PCPG (biPCPG) algorithm, we would obtain a network whose nodes are products, and vice versa.

Given we want to obtain a network of products, we need to reshape our data such that we have four matrices, one per country, containing the export time series for each products as columns. Using the notation introduced above, these matrices have the following structure:

The matrix for country \(c_1\):






\(e_{c_1 p_1}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_2}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_3}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_4}^{y_1}\)


\(e_{c_1 p_1}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_2}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_3}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_4}^{y_2}\)


\(e_{c_1 p_1}^{y_3}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_2}^{y_3}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_3}^{y_3}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_4}^{y_3}\)


\(e_{c_1 p_1}^{y_4}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_2}^{y_4}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_3}^{y_4}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_4}^{y_4}\)


\(e_{c_1 p_1}^{y_5}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_2}^{y_5}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_3}^{y_5}\)

\(e_{c_1 p_4}^{y_5}\)

the matrix for country \(c_2\):






\(e_{c_2 p_1}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_2}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_3}^{y_1}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_4}^{y_1}\)


\(e_{c_2 p_1}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_2}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_3}^{y_2}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_4}^{y_2}\)


\(e_{c_2 p_1}^{y_3}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_2}^{y_3}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_3}^{y_3}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_4}^{y_3}\)


\(e_{c_2 p_1}^{y_4}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_2}^{y_4}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_3}^{y_4}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_4}^{y_4}\)


\(e_{c_2 p_1}^{y_5}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_2}^{y_5}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_3}^{y_5}\)

\(e_{c_2 p_4}^{y_5}\)

and similarly for countries \(c_3\) and \(c_4\).

Now lets see how the above translates into code. Take the following dataset, with a matrix per year as an example:

>>> import numpy as np
... dataset = [np.array([[1.2, 3., 1., 5.4],                 # y_1 data
...                      [10.2, 8.8, 11.7, 15.2],            #
...                      [101.7, 99.7, 104.2, 103.8],        #
...                      [1001.9, 1002.7, 1000.7, 1004.7]]), #
...            np.array([[0.1, 5.2, 4.5, 4.2],               ## y_2 data
...                      [9.1, 12.2, 13.4, 11.7],            ##
...                      [105.5, 102.9, 106.5, 101.9],       ##
...                      [1004.4, 999.4, 1001.8, 1005.2]]),  ##
...            np.array([[1.3, 2.3, 1., 5.9],                ### y_3 data
...                      [15.4, 14., 12.6, 15.8],            ###
...                      [98.9, 103.2, 100.5, 104.2],        ###
...                      [1000.9, 1003.8, 1002.6, 1006.6]]), ###
...            np.array([[0.9, 4., 4.9, 0.6],                #### y_4 data
...                      [11.4, 12.4, 11.7, 14.7],           ####
...                      [98.4, 103.4, 104.3, 104.9],        ####
...                      [1006.3, 1003., 1003.4, 1002.8]]),  ####
...            np.array([[2., 0.5, 5.9, 3.1],                ##### y_5 data
...                      [11.7, 16.4, 15.7, 14.9],           #####
...                      [104.2, 102.3, 105., 104.4],        #####
...                      [999.6, 1003.3, 1005.3, 1003.7]])]  #####

Recall that each array in the list dataset represents the exports (in millions of dollars) for a given year, where rows represent countries and columns represent products. We would therefore have:

  • \(e_{c_1 p_1}^{y_1}=\$1.2 \text{M}\) = dataset[0][0][0] * 10**6

  • \(e_{c_3 p_2}^{y_2}=\$102.9 \text{M}\) = dataset[1][2][1] * 10**6

  • \(e_{c_2 p_1}^{y_4}=\$11.4 \text{M}\) = dataset[3][1][0] * 10**6

Now let’s see how we can convert the dataset with a matrix per year into a timeseries_dataset with one matrix per country. In order to do the necessary reshaping we simply do:

>>> from bipcpg.utils.utils import reshape_year_matrices_to_time_series_matrices
... timeseries_dataset = reshape_year_matrices_to_time_series_matrices(dataset)

Note that reshape_year_matrices_to_time_series_matrices() converts this into a list of country matrices, i.e. the rows of the matrices in dataset, not the columns. We therefore get:

>>> timeseries_dataset
[array([[1.2,  3. , 1. , 5.4],
         [0.1, 5.2, 4.5, 4.2],
         [1.3, 2.3, 1. , 5.9],
         [0.9, 4. , 4.9, 0.6],
         [2. , 0.5, 5.9, 3.1]]),
array([[10.2,  8.8, 11.7, 15.2],
         [ 9.1, 12.2, 13.4, 11.7],
         [15.4, 14. , 12.6, 15.8],
         [11.4, 12.4, 11.7, 14.7],
         [11.7, 16.4, 15.7, 14.9]]),
array([[101.7,  99.7, 104.2, 103.8],
         [105.5, 102.9, 106.5, 101.9],
         [ 98.9, 103.2, 100.5, 104.2],
         [ 98.4, 103.4, 104.3, 104.9],
         [104.2, 102.3, 105. , 104.4]]),
array([[1001.9, 1002.7, 1000.7, 1004.7],
         [1004.4,  999.4, 1001.8, 1005.2],
         [1000.9, 1003.8, 1002.6, 1006.6],
         [1006.3, 1003. , 1003.4, 1002.8],
         [ 999.6, 1003.3, 1005.3, 1003.7]])]

We now have each matrix in the list timeseries_dataset representing a country with the export time series as its columns. This is the desired format any dataset should have in order to apply the biPCPG algorithm.

Computing the average correlation matrix

The input to the PCPG algorithm, which is the last step in the biPCPG algorithm, is a correlation matrix. However, a bipartite dataset consists of a collection of multiple samples of data (in our toy example above, multiple countries each exporting multiple products), so the application of the PCPG algorithm to this dataset is not straightforward. To circumvent this problem, the approach taken in the biPCPG algorithm is to compute a correlation matrix for each country and then take the element-wise average of these matrices. This yields a single average correlation matrix which can then be used as the input to the PCPG algorithm.

In order to do this using the bipcpg package, we simply take the dataset in a format like timeseries_dataset, this is a collection of matrices with observations (which form time series in our example) along its columns and do the following

>>> from bipcpg.correlations import get_correlation_matrices_for_list_of_matrices
... correlation_matrices = get_correlation_matrices_for_list_of_matrices(timeseries_dataset)
... avg_correlation_matrix = np.nanmean(correlation_matrices, axis=0)
>>> avg_correlation_matrix
array([[ 1.      , -0.29375 ,  0.11955 , -0.093725],
       [-0.29375 ,  1.      ,  0.252425, -0.0146  ],
       [ 0.11955 ,  0.252425,  1.      , -0.474325],
       [-0.093725, -0.0146  , -0.474325,  1.      ]])

as expect from the linearity of the time series in timeseries_dataset, correlation coefficients are all equal to one. It is important to note that get_correlation_matrices_for_list_of_matrices() computes the correlations among the columns of the matrices in the input list. Also, to filter the returned correlation matrices based on a statistical T-test, we can pass the desired critical_value for the p-values, for example 0.05, as an argument like this:

>>> filtered_correlation_matrices = get_correlation_matrices_for_list_of_matrices(timeseries_dataset,
...                                                                               critical_value=0.05)
>>> filtered_correlation_matrices
[array([[ 1.      , -0.979757,       nan,       nan],
        [-0.979757,  1.      ,       nan,       nan],
        [      nan,       nan,  1.      ,       nan],
        [      nan,       nan,       nan,  1.      ]]),
array([[ 1., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan,  1., nan, nan],
        [nan, nan,  1., nan],
        [nan, nan, nan,  1.]]),
array([[ 1., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan,  1., nan, nan],
        [nan, nan,  1., nan],
        [nan, nan, nan,  1.]]),
array([[ 1., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan,  1., nan, nan],
        [nan, nan,  1., nan],
        [nan, nan, nan,  1.]])]

These np.nan values are the result of the filtering of non-statistically significant correlations. This is expected given the very small sample size in our toy dataset.

Computing the PCPG network

Once we have a correlation matrix, or in the example above, an average correlation matrix avg_correlation_matrix we can begin to compute the PCPG network. To do this, first instantiate the PCPG class passing the correlation matrix as an argument

>>> from bipcpg.pcpg import PCPG
... pcpg = PCPG(avg_correlation_matrix)

we then compute the average influence (see Theory section) values among the variables in the system

>>> pcpg.compute_avg_influence_matrix()
>>> pcpg.avg_influence_matrix
array([[        nan, -0.01044544, -0.02817951,  0.01193706],
       [-0.04052413,         nan, -0.03887709,  0.01047045],
       [-0.00396688, -0.04729008,         nan, -0.0946936 ],
       [ 0.0182888 , -0.01188309,  0.00370091,         nan]])

After computing the avg_influence_matrix we are able to generate the a networkx.DiGraph object of our PCPG network by doing:

>>> pcpg.create_network()
>>> pcpg.network
<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph object at 0x7f9bc5559f10>

We can check which edges have been included in pcpg.network using networkx:

>>> pcpg.network.edges()
OutEdgeView([(0, 1), (1, 3), (1, 2), (2, 0), (3, 0), (3, 2)])

or directly via the class attribute edges:

>>> pcpg.edges
[(3, 0), (1, 3), (3, 2), (2, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2)]

Computing edge bootstrap values

In order to assess the reliability of a PCPG network’s edges we can perform a bootstrap procedure on the dataset timeseries_dataset. As detailed above in Dataset structure, this should be an iterable containing matrices whose columns contain observations for one of the the two sets of variables in a bipartite dataset with a matrix for each variable in the complementary set of variables.

To obtain a pandas.DataFrame containing the edge bootstrap values we simply have to do

>>> from bipcpg.bootstrap import get_bootstrap_values
... bootstrap_values = get_bootstrap_values(timeseries_dataset, num_replicates=1000)

where num_replicates is the number of replicates to be generated in the bootstrap procedure. As when computing correlations for the average correlation matrix (see Computing the average correlation matrix). This gives the following results, which may vary when repeated as the bootstrap procedure involves a random resampling of the rows in each matrix in timeseries_dataset:

>>> bootstrap_values
       0      1      2      3
0  0.000  0.897  0.222  0.288
1  0.099  0.000  0.660  0.606
2  0.774  0.315  0.000  0.264
3  0.708  0.377  0.721  0.000

bootstrap_values is a pandas.DataFrame containing the bootstrap values of the directed edges in the PCPG network. For a given entry in this dataframe, the row index is the edge’s source and the column index is the edge’s target. In our example the entry bootstrap_values.loc[2, 0] = 0.774 is the bootstrap value of the edge from product \(p_3\) to product \(p_1\). Note the bootstrap_values dataframe includes the bootstrap values for all potential edges in a PCPG network generated from the timeseries_dataset. However, the pcpg.network found above will contain only a part of these.

Also note that critical_value argument could also be passed to get_bootstrap_values() which would filter correlations based on a T-test as described in Computing the average correlation matrix.

Note bootstrap_values is a pandas.DataFrame containing the bootstrap values of the directed edges in the PCPG network. For a given entry in this dataframe, the row index is the edge’s source and the column index is the edge’s target.

These bootstrap values could be added as an attribute to pcpg.network we obtained previously by doing:

>>> pcpg.add_edge_attribute(attr_data=bootstrap_values, attr_name='bootstrap_value')

and we can check the attributes that edges have:

>>> import networkx as nx
... nx.get_edge_attributes(pcpg.network, 'bootstrap_value')
{(0, 1): 0.897, (1, 3): 0.606, (1, 2): 0.66, (2, 0): 0.774, (3, 0): 0.708, (3, 2): 0.721}


We recommend reproducing this tutorial’s code snippets also including the product names ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] as an argument variable_names to PCPG, which changes the pcpg.edges and pcpg.nodes names. We should also pass the same argument to get_bootstrap_values() in order to obtain a bootstrap_values dataframe with product names as row and column indices.